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Festa della Madonna della neve | Print |  E-mail
Written by Larry Aiello   
Tuesday, 26 July 2011 01:27

On August 5th, ever year, Rome celebrates a festival that goes back to the 4th century.

A re-enactment of a legendary 4th century snow fall with a blizzard of white flower petals which flutter down from the roof onto the congregation. There is also a special mass.

Legend has it that on the 4th of August in the year 352, the Virgin appeared in Pope Liberio's dream and instructed him to build a church where there would be fresh-fallen snow the following day. Lo and behold, the very next day, there was a rare August snow-fall! Below is a video.



0 #2 Georgia 2011-10-08 01:53
Religious tours and festivities will always be part of the attractive menu a nation like Italy can offer to the outside world. In terms of religious history and culture, Rome is definitely one of the best places to visit.

This feast is a great reminder of the role which Mary played through the centuries interceding for the faithful.
0 #1 Darlene F. 2011-10-03 23:02
At times of needs and great crisis, I always cling to Mother Mary to give me more strength and wisdom and she never fails me.

I would love to be part of this festivity on the place where the original miracle took place. Rome is such a lucky place on Earth.

Viva Maria!

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