Where is the Italian waiter? | Print |
Written by Larry Aiello   
Sunday, 12 February 2012 17:09

Where is the Italian waiter?

One of the odd peculiarities about dining in Italy is that usually, the waiter will not bring you the check at the end of the meal until you ask for it (unless of course, it is way past closing time). It would be considered rude. In Italy, meals are done very leisurely, and often can take a few hours if you do it with the primo piatto, secondo piatto, fruit, dessert, etc. Not like the United States or Canada where "turning tables" translates into more profits, the Italian way of dining is a lot more relaxed. The Italian people would not look too kindly on a place if they felt like they were being rushed.

Italian waiter serving guests at a ristoranteThe way to ask for the check is:

"Il conto per favore"

More tips about dining in Italy

In Italy the use of the formal form (the third person: Lei) should be used when addressing your waiter or waitress. It is a highly valued profession, and many of them are trained for that career and paid a high salary, so please be polite and you will get good service. To get their attention, just raise your index finger, and try to make eye contact. Do not yell or shout across the room.

Table manners are also important, as Italians will rarely share their food with one another.

Here is some more Italian vocabulary

waiter = cameriere

waitress = cameriera

In some of the more formal restaurants, they will not even bring you a menu until you ask for it. The thinking is that you will want to spend time with your party in private before ordering your meal.

Related post: Where to eat in Italy