Skiing on Mount Etna | Print |
Written by Larry Aiello   
Friday, 11 February 2011 02:47

Skiing on Mt. Etna, Sicily

December 15, 2010 - March 15, 2011 (Every year)
Approximate dates

What can be better than skiing on the beautiful snow-capped slopes of Mt. Etna, and seeing burning lava? Yes, Mt. Etna, one of the world's most active volcanoes, is also a popular ski resort. Mt. Etna is easily reached from Catania and Taormina.

Here are some phone numbers for Mt. Etna lift companies:

Contact Details
Lift companies: SITAS (south), S.T.E.L (north)

Phone:+39 095 914 141 (Sitas)
Phone:+39 095 643 814 (S.T.E.L)

Of course, keep in mind Mt. Etna is an active volcano, so skiing is post-poned when there are eruptions.

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