Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Learn Italian with Larry Aiello

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La storia si ripete
History repeats itself
Summer 2019 Italy Travel News | Print |  E-mail


Transcript for Video

If you are planning a trip to Italy this summer, there are a couple of new flight options that will be available for you.

New Flight Options to Italy

Alitalia just started a service between Dulles Airport in Washington DC direct to Rome’s Fiumicino Airport. British Airways now has service from London City Airport to Rome while of course the other airports like Heathrow and Gatwick will continue to have service to Rome.

Air Italy is now starting a non-stop service from San Francisco to Milan. That will be a 12 hour flight which will only operate a few times a week. If you are on the west coast of the US that is phenomenal as that eliminates the need to stop at JFK and have a layover.

American Airlines will be starting service from Philadelphia to Bologna. That usually is not a city on many people’s radar when they travel to Italy, but it should be, as it is regarded as the best cuisine in the entire country.

If you are staying in Rome one of the major attractions is the Villa Borghese, you can think of it like Rome’s version of Central Park in New York City. Anyways, one of the hotels called Sofitel Rome located near the Villa Borghese will reopen this July after having undergone massive renovations. The Hyatt Hotels are expanding their footprint in Italy by opening two new properties, one in Venice and one in Milan. The one in Venice will be on the island of Murano, where they are known for making their famous stained glass. The Milan property will be in the city center.

New Museums in Italy

If you like museums there is a new Jewish-Italian history museum opening up in Ferrara in the northeastern section of the country between Bologna and Venice. Believe it or not, the Jews played an important part in the history of Italy, especially during the Roman Empire so I’m sure this would be a fascinating museum to check out. A relatively new museum, which I saw on my last visit, was the Archaeological Museum of Palermo which has artifacts that go back 6,000 years. So if your travels take you to Sicily that would definitely be a worthwhile excursion.

Banning Plastic in Capri

If your travels take you to the beautiful island of Capri, keep in mind they are banning the use of single-use plastic which includes straws and water bottles and they will be enforcing fines against littering in an attempt to preserve its beautiful, natural environment. Many consider that part of Italy to be one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful part of the world. And if you go, you will undoubtedly agree.

Be Flexible, Italy Train Strikes, etc.

And finally, always keep in mind to be flexible and to expect the unexpected. Many times, transportation strikes will occur during the summer travel season. A lot of times, not all the times, they usually just occur for a day. But if it happens to be the day that you are taking a train, then you will be out of luck for that day. Luckily, they will often announce in advance so be sure to keep your ears open, check your Italian airline website and the train site for more information.

Learn Italian for your Trip

If you are wanting to learn Italian before your trip, there is a link with a coupon code below that you can click on to find out more information about my course. Thank you and as they say in Italy buon viaggio!

Click Here to Learn Italian for your Trip!


San Rufino Church in Assisi | Print |  E-mail

Here is a picture of the San Rufino Cathedral located in Assisi, Italy.

The church was dedicated to Saint Rufino, a martyr from the 3rd century.

Construction started on this Romanesque-style church in 1140 AD. It plays an important part of the Franciscan order as it is the place where St. Francis of Assisi was baptized along with Saint Claire.

To reach the main office call Italy country code 039 and then 075-812283

Photograph by Enrico Rubicondo, Palermo, Sicily (LinkedIn)


My House is Open to Friends - Italian Saying | Print |  E-mail
Written by Larry Aiello   
Thursday, 26 March 2015 15:40

Here is a little Italian souvenir I have haning in my house.  It is a sign that is inviting and welcoming:

La mia casa è aperta al sole, agli amici sinceri e agli ospiti.

It basically states that my house is open to the sun, to sincere friends and to guests. It is a great expression of Italian hospitality. Below is the image.

la mia casa e' aperta al sole, agli amici sinceri e agli ospiti - an Italian saying

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff - in Italian | Print |  E-mail
Monday, 23 March 2015 15:17

Here is an Italian saying that I really like:

Chi vuol vivere e star bene, prende il mondo come viene.

It means those that want to live well and be well should just take the world as it comes. Or in other words don't sweat the small stuff. In English we have a similar saying meaning go with the flow.

Below you can see the picture.

chi vuol vivere e star bene prende il mondo come viene - Italian saying

Azzurro peformed by Taddeo Scalici at San Gennaro Fest | Print |  E-mail
Sunday, 08 March 2015 13:55

Here is a video of Taddeo Scalici performing the popular Italian song called Azzurro by Celentano.  Below the video are the lyrics.

Cerco l'estate tutto l'anno
I look for summer all year long

E all'improvviso eccola qua
and all of a sudden, here it is.

E lei e partita per le spiagge
She left for the beach

E sono solo quassu in citta
and I'm alone, up here, in the city

Sento fischiare sopra i tetti
I hear whistling above the roofs

Un aeroplano che se ne va
an airplane that is leaving.



il pomeriggio e' troppo azzurro < Video starts here
the afternoon is too blue

E lungo per me, mi accorgo
Too long for me, I realize

Di non avere piu risorse
I don't have more resources

Senza di te, e allora
Without you, and so

Io quasi quasi prendo il treno
I'm about to take the train

E vengo, vengo da te
And come, come to you

Ma il treno dei desideri
But the train of desires

Nei miei pensieri all'incontrario va
In my thoughts goes the other way

End of Chorus

Penso quand'ero all'oratorio
Thinking when I was at the oratory

Con tanto sole, tant' anni fa
With so much sun, many years ago

Quelle domeniche da solo
Those Sundays by myself

In un cortile, a passeggiar
In a courtyard, taking a walk

Ora mi annoio piu di allora
And now I get more annoyed than before

Neanche un prete per passegar
With not even a priest to walk with

Repeat Chorus

Vedo un po' d'Africa in giardino
I see a little bit of Arica in the garden

Tra l'oleandro e il baobab
Between the oleander and the monkey bread

Come facevo da bambino
Like I used to as a child

Ma qui c'e' niente, per rinfrescar
But there is nothing here, (nothing) refreshing

Stanno innaffiando le tue rose
They are watering your roses

Non c'e il leone, chissa dov'e'
The lion is not here, who knows where he is

Repeat Chorus

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